Progress Bars

24 Free Aesthetic Notion Progress Bar Formula Templates & Designs

Copy and paste these beautiful Notion formulas to enhance the functionality and productivity of your workspace!

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1. Black Square Progress Bar

■■■■□□□□□□ 40%

free notion progress bar formula templates black square symbols

Copy the Notion formula:

"■".repeat(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + "□".repeat(10 - floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + " " + format(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 100)) + "%"

2. Boxed Progress Bar

▣▣▣▣▤▤▤▤▤▤ 40%

free notion progress bar formula templates boxed symbols

Copy the Notion formula:

"▣".repeat(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + "▤".repeat(10 - floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + " " + format(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 100)) + "%"

3. Vertical Progress Bar

▮▮▮▮▯▯▯▯▯▯ 40%

free notion progress bar formula templates slice bars

Copy the Notion formula:

"▮".repeat(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + "▯".repeat(10 - floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + " " + format(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 100)) + "%"

4. Loading Progress Bar

▓▓▓▓░░░░░░ 40%

free notion progress bar formula templates loading life progress

Copy the Notion formula:

"▓".repeat(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + "░".repeat(10 - floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + " " + format(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 100)) + "%"

5. Black Loading Progress Bar

████░░░░░░ 40%

free notion progress bar formula templates loading life progress black color

Copy the Notion formula:

"█".repeat(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + "░".repeat(10 - floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + " " + format(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 100)) + "%"

6. Chess Progress Bar

♟♟♟♟♖♖♖♖♖♖ 40%

free notion progress bar formula templates chess pieces

Copy the Notion formula:

"♟".repeat(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + "♖".repeat(10 - floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + " " + format(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 100)) + "%"

7. Checkmarks Progress Bar

✓✓✓✓□□□□□□ 40%

free notion progress bar formula templates check marks boxes

Copy the Notion formula:

"✓".repeat(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + "□".repeat(10 - floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + " " + format(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 100)) + "%"

8. Triangle Progress Bar

▲▲▲▲△△△△△△ 40%

free notion progress bar formula templates triangle symbol

Copy the Notion formula:

"▲".repeat(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + "△".repeat(10 - floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + " " + format(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 100)) + "%"

9. Star Progress Bar

★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ 40%

free notion progress bar formula templates stars

Copy the Notion formula:

"★".repeat(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + "☆".repeat(10 - floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + " " + format(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 100)) + "%"

10. Star Dots Progress Bar

★★★★•••••• 40%

free notion progress bar formula templates star dots

Copy the Notion formula:

"★".repeat(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + "•".repeat(10 - floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + " " + format(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 100)) + "%"

11. Circle Progress Bar

⬤⬤⬤⬤〇〇〇〇〇〇 40%

free notion progress bar formula templates circles

Copy the Notion formula:

"⬤".repeat(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + "〇".repeat(10 - floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + " " + format(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 100)) + "%"

12. Heart Progress Bar

♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡ 40%

free notion progress bar formula templates heart symbol

Copy the Notion formula:

"🖤".repeat(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + "♡".repeat(10 - floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + " " + format(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 100)) + "%"

13. Diamond Progress Bar

◆◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇◇ 40%

free notion progress bar formula templates diamond

Copy the Notion formula:

"◆".repeat(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + "◇".repeat(10 - floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + " " + format(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 100)) + "%"

14. Half Moon Progress Bar

◐◐◐◐◯◯◯◯◯◯ 40%

free notion progress bar formula templates half moon

Copy the Notion formula:

"◐".repeat(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + "◯".repeat(10 - floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + " " + format(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 100)) + "%"

15. Hexagon Progress Bar

⬢⬢⬢⬢⬡⬡⬡⬡⬡⬡ 40%

free notion progress bar formula templates hexagon

Copy the Notion formula:

"⬢".repeat(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + "⬡".repeat(10 - floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + " " + format(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 100)) + "%"

16. Cresent Progress Bar

☾☾☾☾☽☽☽☽☽☽ 40%

free notion progress bar formula templates cresent moon

Copy the Notion formula:

"☾".repeat(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + "☽".repeat(10 - floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + " " + format(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 100)) + "%"

17. Minimalist Slashes Progress Bar

////------ 40%

free notion progress bar formula templates minimalist slashes

Copy the Notion formula:

"/".repeat(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + "-".repeat(10 - floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + " " + format(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 100)) + "%"

18. Circle Slider Style

————●—————— 40%

free notion progress bar formula templates circle slider knob

Copy the Notion formula:

"—".repeat(floor(10 * prop("Current") / prop("Total"))) + "●" + "—".repeat(10 - floor(10 * prop("Current") / prop("Total"))) + " " + format(floor(100 * prop("Current") / prop("Total"))) + "%"

19. Floating Slider Style

▁▁▁▁▅▁▁▁▁▁ 40%

free notion progress bar formula templates floating slider

Copy the Notion formula:

"▁".repeat(floor(10 * prop("Current") / prop("Total"))) + "▅" + "▁".repeat(10 - floor(10 * prop("Current") / prop("Total"))) + " " + format(floor(100 * prop("Current") / prop("Total"))) + "%"

20. Chopped Bar (No Tails)

▌▌▌▌ 40%

free notion progress bar formula templates chopped bars

Copy the Notion formula:

"▌".repeat(floor(10 * prop("Current") / prop("Total"))) + format(floor(100 * prop("Current") / prop("Total"))) + "%"

21. Animal Kingdom (No Tails)

𓅃𓅃𓅃𓅃 40%

free notion progress bar formula templates animals

Copy the Notion formula:

"𓅃".repeat(floor(10 * prop("Current") / prop("Total"))) + " " + format(floor(100 * prop("Current") / prop("Total"))) + "%"

22. Battery Progress Bar

🔋🔋🔋🔋🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌 40%

free notion progress bar formula templates battery charge

Copy the Notion formula:

"🔋".repeat(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + "🔌".repeat(10 - floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + " " + format(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 100)) + "%"

23. Fire Progress Bar

🔥🔥🔥🔥⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ 40%

free notion progress bar formula templates fire emoji

Copy the Notion formula:

"🔥".repeat(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + "⬜".repeat(10 - floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 10)) + " " + format(floor(prop("Current") / prop("Total") * 100)) + "%"

24. Checked Emoji (No Tails)

✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ 40%

free notion progress bar formula templates fire emoji

Copy the Notion formula:

"✅ ".repeat(floor(10 * prop("Current") / prop("Total"))) + " " + format(floor(100 * prop("Current") / prop("Total"))) + "%"

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