Custom Date Formats

19 Free Notion Date & Time Formula Templates

Copy and paste these Notion date formulas to customize your Notion databases. All the formulas below are based on the Date property.

notion date formula templates custom date formatting

1. Show Weekday (Mon)

1 Notion date time formula show weekday example

Copy the formula:

formatDate(prop("Date"), "ddd")

2. Show Weekday (Monday)

2 Notion date time formula show weekday name in full

Copy the formula:

formatDate(prop("Date"), "dddd")

3. Show Month (Jan)

3 Notion date time formula show month

Copy the formula:

formatDate(prop("Date"), "MMM")

4. Show Month (January)

4 Notion date time formula show month title in full

Copy the formula:

formatDate(prop("Date"), "MMMM")

5. Show Year (2030)

5 Notion date time formula find the year based on date

Copy the formula:

formatDate(prop("Date"), "YYYY")

6. Show Week Number

6 Notion date time formula show week number based on date property

Copy the formula:

formatDate(prop("Date"), "W")

To display the label:

"Week " + formatDate(prop("Date"), "W")

7. Show Month Number

7 Notion date time formula show month number based on date property

Copy the formula:

formatDate(prop("Date"), "M")

To display the label:

"Month " + formatDate(prop("Date"), "M")

8. Show Quarter Number

8 Notion date time formula show quarter number based on date property

Copy the formula:

formatDate(prop("Date"), "Q")

To display the label:

"Quarter " + formatDate(prop("Date"), "Q")

9. Format Date (Mon, Jan 1st, 2030)

9 Notion date time formula custom date with weekday and 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Copy the formula:

formatDate(prop("Date"), "ddd, MMM Do YYYY")

10. Format Date (Month/Date/Year)

10 Notion date time formula custom date minimal slash

Copy the formula:

formatDate(prop("Date"), "MM/DD/YYYY")

11. Format Date (Date-Month-Year)

11 Notion date time formula custom date dd-mm

Copy the formula:

formatDate(prop("Date"), "DD-MM-YYYY")

12. Show Month & Date

12 Notion date time formula custom show month and date

Copy the formula:

formatDate(prop("Date"), "MMM DD")

13. Show Month and Year

13 Notion date time formula custom show month and year

Copy the formula:

formatDate(prop("Date"), "MMM YYYY")

14. Show Current Date & Time

14 Notion date time formula custom show current day date time and hour AM PM

Copy the formula:

formatDate(now(), "ddd, MMM DD, YYYY HH:mm A")

15. Show Morning/Afternoon Based On Time

15 Notion date time formula custom show morning afternoon evening night

Copy the formula:

if(hour(prop("Date")) < 12, "Morning", if(hour(prop("Date")) < 17, "Afternoon", if(hour(prop("Date")) < 20, "Evening", "Night")))

16. Show Weekday Passed Percentage

16 Notion date time formula display weekday elapsed percentage

Copy the formula:

format(round((toNumber(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d")) / 6) * 100)) + "%"

17. Show Current Weekday In a Week

17 Notion date time formula custom show what day is today based on date

Copy the formula:

if(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d") == "0", "<S> M T W T F S", if(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d") == "1", "S <M> T W T F S", if(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d") == "2", "S M <T> W T F S", if(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d") == "3", "S M T <W> T F S", if(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d") == "4", "S M T W <T> F S", if(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d") == "5", "S M T W T <F> S", "S M T W T F <S>"))))))

18. Show Early, Mid or Late Week

18 Notion date time formula custom show early week mid week late week

Copy the formula:

if(toNumber(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d")) <= 2, "Early Week", if(toNumber(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d")) <= 4, "Mid Week", "Late Week"))

19. Show Weekday or Weekend

19 Notion date time formula custom weekday or weekend based on day

If your Week Start Day is Sunday

if(toNumber(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d")) == 0 or toNumber(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d")) == 6, "[Weekend]", "Weekday")

If your Week Start Day is Monday

if(toNumber(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d")) == 5 or toNumber(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d")) == 6, "[Weekend]", "Weekday")

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